Celebrating renovations to Pearsons Hall

A new renovation of Pearsons Hall included revitalizing DK’s Café, renovating the first- and second-floor restrooms, enhancing accessibility to the front of the building, and establishing a dedicated home for the School of Business.

President Eric Boynton and other dignitaries prepare to cut the ribbon on the renovation of Pearsons Hall. President Eric Boynton and other dignitaries prepare to cut the ribbon on the renovation of Pearsons Hall.

Beloit College celebrated multiple renovations of Pearsons Hall, a signature campus space designed by renowned architect Daniel Burnham, at a community ribbon-cutting event. Members of the region, city, and campus community were invited, with refreshments following the event.

The first two phases of the project focused on revitalizing DK’s Café, renovating the first- and second-floor restrooms, and establishing a dedicated home for the School of Business. The new business hub features a finance lab, faculty offices, and a student lounge, providing a collaborative and supportive environment for students studying business, economics, marketing, and finance. Additionally, a new ADA-accessible ramp has been installed, making the front entrance fully accessible for the first time.

The event included a short speech from President Eric Boynton about the renovations, which were part of the college’s $20 million investment in elevating campus spaces, aimed at enhancing the overall student experience and fostering a stronger connection between the college and the city of Beloit.

“We are excited to share the newly renovated Pearsons Hall with the community,” said President Eric Boynton. “This project is a testament to our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for our students, faculty, and staff, as well as a vibrant hub for community engagement.”

The total cost for Phases 1 and 2 of the project was $2.4 million, made possible through a combination of college resources and generous donor support. Future phases of the project may include a reimagining of Moore Lounge, named after longtime president of the Beloit Corporation Harry Moore, to enhance its use by both the campus and the broader community.

By: Ellie Anderbyrne'05, Meg Kulikowski ’21
February 18, 2025

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