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Support for Faculty

We see you—bringing magic to the classroom and offering individualized advising and mentorship to your students. Here are some ways we try to make it easier for you.

For Individual Faculty

For Review, Tenure and Promotion

For Department Chairs

For Departmental Reviews

Academic departments and program undergo a major review every 6-10 years. A significant part of the review is a self-study, where departments ask—and answer— important questions about their goals, activities, or outcomes. Departments and programs continue to explore and update these questions and their answers in subsequent years, as they engage in an annual process of reviewing and updating three-year plans.

IRAP works closely with an Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and academic departments and programs to have an effective and useful self-study. IRAP can help departments identify and prioritize questions and, depending on the questions that a department chooses to prioritize, IRAP may have data already available or the department may need to collect new data. IRAP is available for consultation and support throughout the self-study and as departments continue to evaluate themselves in subsequent years. 

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